
Partners – external collaborators

Samuele Galbiati

MosArtek Partner Owner of Marmarox®Creator of the EcoGrimm™ methodDistributor of the Home EcoGrimm kit Author, “Questo pavimento è tutto da rifare (o forse no)!” For 60 years over three generations, Marmarox® has specialised in polishing of natural stone surfaces. We developed a new polishing method, making the work less invasive for the client and the […]

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Valentina Petruzzella

MosArtek Partner A freelance architect, Valentina is also passionate about digital communication and marketing. In 2016 she founded a popularisation project called “Contemporary Video Architecture”. Taking advantage of the potential of the web and social media, she describes in first person the most important contemporary buildings of European cities, through the videos she wrote and

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Edoardo Guzzi

MosArtek Partner Add Your Heading Text Here I provide my services to entrepreneurs who are capable and willing, like yourself who are reading here. People looking forward to changing and improving, or wanting to start a new business. I support these people and help them achieve great results, raising the Italian flag all over the

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