Valentina Petruzzella

MosArtek Partner



A freelance architect, Valentina is also passionate about digital communication and marketing.

In 2016 she founded a popularisation project called “Contemporary Video Architecture”.

Taking advantage of the potential of the web and social media, she describes in first person the most important contemporary buildings of European cities, through the videos she wrote and produced, which are shared for free on her Youtube channel and on her Facebook page.

She is the author of several technical articles published on the online platform “”, owned by the Wolters Kluwer publishing house.

She is also co-creator – together with the architect Maurizio Carrisi – of the O.S.A. Method, the architectural design method with which the various orders carried out by the My Architect architecture studio are designed and implemented, in partnership with arch. Carrisi.

Finally, she is co-author – together with Eng. Stefania Spadafora – of the free podcast “Marchingegno” with which both popularise the theme of marketing applied to the profession of architect and engineer.

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