«Quale supporto?»
«What support?»
The permanent support of a mosaic is a crucial part of the work.
What kind of support shall receive the mosaic is a vital and essential part of the planning phase.
In deciding, the following factors must be considered:
- location, indoors or outdoors
- placement on floor or wall
- self-supporting or structural
- level of rigidity of the architectural structure
- maturing time of the supporting structure
- level of humidity of the background
- total weight of materials
- …
These are JUST A FEW of the parameters for the evaluation of the optimal choice of support.
Making mistakes, or underestimating the need to choose the most appropriate support, means SENTENCING THE ARTWORK TO A SHORT LIFE.
The professional mosaic maker will consider all technical requirements and choose the most appropriate solution.
The hobbyist is content with the cheapest solution, or the one he already has in his hands.